Virtual Chat
gay scene has now turned into a huge commercial market, with a turnover in the
UK alone, worth millions of pounds every year. "Man To Man", supplied through
Premium Rate Telecom, is arguably the best gay chat line in service and probably
the largest and most promiscuous. It always has scores of men
on line, at any time of the day or night. This service operates in the same way
as the "Virtual Chat", but be warned, this is "Man To Man" and the content of
the conversations can be very mature and uninhibited. Gay Chat Services
are now one of the biggest growth areas in Premium Rate and if promoted and advertised
effectively, can generate exceptionally high call revenue and long "hold times".
Give Man To Man a call yourself, if you dare and you'll understand why this service
is so popular with the gay community.
105282 Calls
are charged at £1 per minute at all times
The greatest Virtual Chat and Date service in the world, will earn no money without
advertising. Virtual Chat is not an adult service, so it can be advertised anywhere.
National promotions can earn thousands, but just as important can be local / regional
advertising, TV, radio and leaflets. Simple lineage advertisements can produce
good results.
Here To Start Your Own Service!