Horse Tipping

premium rate number, premium rate, premium rate phone numberThe Racing Rumours horse tipster service is one of the most popular information services, with lots of repeat business. Most people who regularly follow the horses, are keen to find a good source of "inside information" and will give a service a try for a week or so. Of course, if the selections offered, show a healthy return, they will call again and again. As with any product or service, if the content and presentation are of high quality, customers will be pleased to carry on using it. 

Racing Rumours offers no inflated claims as to its success rate, just solid selections, which the caller may use, or not as they wish. When the Racing Rumours selectors think that there is no horse worth backing, then they say so. Why not give the service a try yourself? Even if you do not regularly place bets, you will be able to see how good the selections given on Racing Rumours are. Don't forget, you can also run your own Tipster Service too, if you know the form!

09069 105282

Calls are charged at 75p per minute at all times

TIP: Tipster services have always been successful, but like any business, Racing Rumours needs promoting. The key to marketing any service, is placing it in front of the right people. Advertising in the sports section of local papers, national publications like 'Sporting Life', flyers and of course word of mouth, are all good advertising mediums. Simply find the people who cannot resist a flutter and watch the money roll in. 

Click Here To Start Your Own Service!, PO Box 353, Witney, OX28 1WA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1993-705864, Fax: +44-1993-706764 Email:
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